
by Hilmar Alquiros - former Hilmar Klaus, born Hilmar Ebert: 3 real names as pen names! :-)

= link!     = book   & = booklet   & Essay  ü vacation 



The meaning of life is a life with meaning!
Young h.a.

The world is a spiritual vessel and time was invented to make it blossom. ☯️

Ang mundo ay isang espiritwal na sisidlan at ang oras ay naimbento upang ito'y mamulaklak. ☯️


Old h.a.


Prélude  1949

1949 May 23: Foundation of the Federal Republic of Germany -

       promulgation of the Basic Law at a formal meeting of the Parliamentary  Council.



          August: conceived on a warm romantic night :-) :-) :-)


      "Hilmar" (old germanic): 'Hil' (from: hiltju, hiltja) = Kampf [fight], 'mar' = berühmt [famous] :-)

 (Hilmar = male, Hilma = femal)


*1950 BORN April 11: 12:00 (Exactly - like Goethe(!) :-)

 As my mother had told me - but just to be sure - I checked with the authorities and they confirmed 12:00 on my birth certificate:



  Premature birth: 6 weeks fight for survival... Alternating night watches by both parents to monitor my breathing...

Frieda Ebert (1920-1974)  Alois Ebert (1906-1972)


      Click + animate!











 Marie Elisabeth



Childhood * 1951 - 1960


        Oldest memories: many in the first parents' house in Luisenthal/Völklingen before moving to grandfather's house(!).


1951 Very early walking + talking (Mother): a portable walkie-talkie! :-)


1952 Very early memories: oldest at the kitchen table, with mother nearby, tiny toys in a black and gold Chinese(!) tea tin...

        clear(!) memory of the eve of grandfather's death †29.11.1952


1953 New house, observing my father repairing and changing elements of the house.

       + beautiful, elongated garden with various fruit trees, sandbox, fish tank, at the beginning also chickens.


1954 Early learning: from strong Saar Dialect to High German in Grimm brothers' original German Fairy Tales!


1955 Test to early enrollment! But physically too fragile - after surgery with sepsis(!)


1956 Elementary school. Our teacher sometimes played the violin! ¯

        Brother Günther, 9 years older: Boogie! Rock 'n Roll! Belafonte's Calypso! ¯





1959 'First Love': Rösli

    ff. [ Austria³ [ Switzerland [ Liechtenstein...


1960 - 68: Einstein-School Völklingen/Saarland (9 grades, 8 y.). French, Latin. Chess with father + brother + friends.

       Meningitis, headaches for 4 years: reading painful. But the blessings of Classic music!¯ Mozart, Beethoven, Bach! ¯



Youth * 1961- 1970


1961 Chess in school


1962 ff. family research... Paternal and maternal line back to 1600(!).

       Oldest grave (historically protected cemetery):

                     1715 „No 257“ = Margareta Ebertz nèe. ? * ~1660 - †16.9.1715 Alken / River Mosel, Germany.

                                                                                                   Graves next to chapel on the hill, listed, 2009 still preserved!


1963 Chess books


1964 Chess club!


1965 - 68: Beate

       Track & Fields! 'Anti-gravity experiment'. :-)

       College level: Mathematics / Physics branch, pocket money by teaching Mathematics Calculus + complex numbers

        Local chess champion.

        Reading Einstein & Freud, Philosophers, modern textbooks on General Psychology. Final decision for…


1966 Grade 11 in 1/2 year!


1967 Grade 12 in 1/2 year!


1968 University: ...Psychology + Philosophy!

        Self-taught English1: reading.


1969 Higher statistics, Variance + Factor analysis.

       ü Feldberg/Black Forest.

         First publication! :-)


        Sister in spirit Edna! 1983!



1970 Bachelor level exams.

         & Methodenkritisches Experiment zum Semantischen Differential.



* 1971 - 1980



1971 (!) 1st Marriage...


1972 Master level exams.

       Painter Otto Lackenmacher, Saarbrücken/Berlin.

       Encountering the deep wisdom of Dàodéjīng 道 德 經 by Lǎozĭ  老子.

      Father V  

     * Niece and Godchild Kerstin


1973 & Untersuchungen zur Zahlenfolgeninduktion.

        Psychologist at 22(!) beautiful Münster!


1974 Mother , specialized education: Vocational Psychology for all kinds of challenged fellow human beings... 1982!

        & Einige Lerneffekte bei Aufgaben zur Zahlenfolgeninduktion. ( & Prof. Dr. Werner Tack!)

Doctorate postponed - after both parents passed away: profession, breadwinning, family life, friends, chess championships...! :-)

in Experimental Psychology,  Dr. phil.* 1982


1975 Scientific and other publications.

       ü Texel/Netherlands.


1976 Planning kids!


1977 * 7.7.77 (!) Benjamin

        Problem solving championship in German + Austrian (IQ-) MENSA (win).

        & Publications on chess.

          ff. Experimental research for doctorate: Pioneer of Trimodal factor analysis(!).

        Prof. Peter R. Orlik + Prof. Werner H. Tack.



ff. Founder of Internat. Chess prize Wenigsteiner-Jahrespreis.

        03/10 Scientific encounter (Prof. Claus, Informatik, univ. Dortmund) with legendary former

        World Chess champion Botvinnik(!), Talks about problem chess and studies and earliest computer chess(!).

        + Estrin, World Correspondence Chess champion.

04 27 Dr. Hans-Hilmar Staudte


        #014 Das Patt im Wenigsteiner.


        08 03 Mittenwald "Isarlust" chess club

        11 23 Edna + Sarah


        Commencement of doctoral studies, research work / (~Ph.D.)


1979 Consulting: companies + authorities...


       Research: in highest(!) German village:  Breath-taking Mittenwald!      

       * Daniel  


1980 Move to Lake Constance

05 19  Wadern / Saarland Friedrich Ebert / family research combined!


06 02 Scientist, opinion research in famous Institute Allensbach at Lake Constance (Prof. Noelle-Neumann!).

06 26 Sheraton Frankfurt Bildschirmtext

06 27 Bonn: Lecture for 25 Professors.

         International Symposia.

         Permanent Commission of the F.I.D.E for Chess Compositions ü Wiener Neustadt, Austria, Sept. 6.-13.


         Family life  


11 03... London: A chess week with Anthony Dickins



* 1981 - 1990


1981 Internat. Chess problem solving in Andernach:

        Win ahead world champion, Prof. H. Axt(!): Well, but...

        Intelligence is nothing without creativity and spirit and empathy - and LOVE! The whole is more than the sum of its parts.

        Prizes for chess compositions.

        Simultaneous chess exhibitions...

                  Regional blitz chess champion.


06 06-08 Mulhouse / France International Problem Chess Meeting


09 14 Dr. Chodora

11 03... Work on

11 02... Anthony Dickins - workshop for "100 Classics on the Chessboard"


1982 #038 Ästhetik des Denkens. Dissertation.

        Dr. phil.

        "Theoretische und experimentelle Untersuchungen ästhetischer Beurteilung ..."

        Diss. Universität des Saarlandes, Saarbrücken. III 1982,

        100 Diagramme, 49 Tabellen, 32 Abbildungen, 342 p. (+ XIII)


        & 395 Zuglängenrekorde.

        & Orthodoxe Zuglängenrekorde im Wenigsteiner - Anhang.


        Change to: Applied Psychology: >30,000 clients = all kinds of challenged fellow human beings:

        physical + mental disabilities, accidents, diseases, brain damages, traumata...

        Ability tests + deep talks, rehabilitation + new educations(!) paid by the German government.


08 11 One day with Lothar Schmid in Bamberg: Grandmaster + legendary referee Fischer-Spassky 1972.

          Greatest private chess collection! Owner of Karl-May-Verlag.


1983 ff. Higher Federal Official.

        Poetry publications and book editing in ü Berlin, with author + lifelong sisterly friend Edna!

        #050 100 Classics of the Chessboard.


        & 100 merkwürdige Wenigsteiner.

        & Das Vielväterproblem.

        & 100 Klassische Wenigsteiner.



1984  Christine


         Hanne in Berlin. & 02 11 Poetry readings.


        [ Tai Chi! 太極拳太极拳Tàijíquán...


1985  Marianne   ü Paris....  

        太极拳 with Chinese master.

           Roswitha in love, as well! :-)


10 16 LAA President in my Office... Position in Aachen confirmed

12 19 Simultaneous chess exhibition

1985 - 91  Maria Common law marriage + family life Aachen = 'Aix-la-Chapelle': main residence of Charlemagne(!):

       05 21 3 weeks in New York / State Brother Christian


inside! & outside!


       ü New York: city + state!



       1986 - 1990! North Sea Islands:

       ü Sylt

       ü Amrum

       ü Baltrum

       ü Norderney

       ü Wangerooge

       ü Juist

       ü De Haan...

       ü Greetsiel with Norderney + Juist.


       ü Mallorca


       #074 1125 Zuglängenrekorde.



1987 #086 200 Ausgewählte Schachaufgaben.


       & Hauchzart.

       & Achilles-Verse.

       & Wir-Gefühle.

       & Mensch-einwärts.

       & Weibliche Logik.


1988 & Kronjuwelen.

       & Kleinode.


       ü Sylt.

10 02... Berlin: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Psychologie


1989 #098 Das Vielväterproblem.  



1990 ü Juist.

         & Author: Books, articles, short stories, poems...



* 1991 - 2000



1991 ...forever friends!

04 28 Köln (Cologne); Mozart-Konzerte

08 30... Paris + Maria

10 02 Start my Windows!


1992 ff. Two Book Series:

        4 Volumes in Four men only


        6 weeks work in Dresden!

05 20/24 'Nadir'!

       & Articles + Collections. ~1000 Chess Compositions / Prizes.

       & Rekorde-Datenbank im Wenigsteiner.

       ff. Chinese studies with 孙炜 Sūn Wěi

09/24: Legendary genius Sir Peter Ustinov (!)

       in Aachen talk + exchange of booklets.


12 28 "Dieser Satz hat zehn Wörter, neunzehn Silben und vierundsechzig Buchstaben!"
         Daniel Ebert, 13 y.


1993 S. , Scientist / Asia + Germany.

       Gudrun ❤

       Dorothea Oct. Altenkessel



1994  Marian.


04 16 S. America


1995  D.

        July...+ Oct. Gisela , Hallein + Salzburg/Austria.


        #148 Top Helpmates.


       #155 Kombiniere Matt.


       & Neue Rekorde-Datenbank im Wenigsteiner.



        Christmas Hallein + Salzburg


1996 ü Hamburg.

        Sabine , Dr. med. Polyglot

       ü Lake of Constance.

       #164 Moderne Kleinkunst.



1997 #177 Kegelschach.

        Mate in 9 moves!

             Annette, Hotel manager Düsseldorf + Aachen.


1998 ü North Sea.


1999 2nd Marriage in ü Las Vegas(!).  


2000 → *50. = Last(!) Simultaneous chess exhibition ü Düsseldorf:

        → 50!


        First contact with the famous Ex-World champion:

        → Garri Kasparov in his extremely strong simul in ü Frankfurt - on his peak ELO 2851 (!)



Dr. Hilmar Alquiros  @Hilmar17



Dedicated to Garry Kasparov!

Happy Birthday! :-)


Mate in 6(!) - feenschach, 1988


Solution :-)


Garry - and only he - found the solution quickly (!!)

@Kasparov63 "Very kind, Nd5 yes? And thank you for the birthday wishes!"*


2000 → Tao of Wisdom Project’: New, deeper Dàodéjīng 道 德 經 studies, literature,


            2 books +   comprehensive website:

          on the most translated book ever(!) (except of the bible).



* 2001 - 2010



2001 #211 Early Helpmates.


       New house in ü Düsseldorf, Hotel ownership participation.  


2002 Simul Draw(!) with world champion challenger Shirov! Celebrating his 30th birthday, 3 hours' talk.


       #222 1000 Väter.


       In 2 cities... hotel life ('more hotel than life')... Separation Divorce...

       Back to Beautiful Aachen! ...  D.

       "European-African-Asian Year" :-)  Georgette

       #235 Laozi Daodejing. Neue Übersetzungen. Online.

             💕 Love of my life: Lilian Asuncion Alquiros 💕


                       Our look into the common future! :-)


2003 ü Brügge [Bruges]/Belgium. ü De Haan/Belgium.

       ü New Jersey, USA: Family Christmas + New Year's Eve


2004 Engagement + Marriage 💕!



       ü Altenkessel/Saarbrücken, Parents' house.

       ü Saarschleife = Saar Loop

       ü Sylt Island/North Sea.


      'Start to' ~ 20 ü Vacations in all best European places - favorites:

       ü Malta!

       ü Venice

       ü Athens...

       ü Barcelona

       ü Rome/Vatican

       ü Sylt

       ü Berlin

       ü Munich + Castles

       ü Prague

       ü Paris

       ü London

       ü Amsterdam

       ü Salzburg

        and more


2005 Online publication projects.

        Long-standing interest in cosmology, relativity and quantum physics.

        Ontology, Eastern + Western Philosophy of Nothingness .


        ü Malta #3! 

        ü Monschau/Eifel 

        ü Cologne.


2006 #291 Minimalkunst im Schach.

         5 Volumes in "He-Chess")  Magnum opus in chess:

              262+420+400+460+576 = 2,118 p.

       ü Malta!

       ü Altenkessel/Saarbrücken

       ü Altenberge

       ü Münster

       ü Berlin

       ü Bonn.


2007 ü Venice

       ü Eyneburg

       ü Athens

       ü Malta!


2008 Self-taught English2: writing...

       #307 Synopsis Lǎozĭ Dàodéjīng. Online.

       #310 Das Tao der Weisheit. 道 德 經 Chinese-German. Bilingual: literal, analogous, poetical. 548 pp.

       #313 Soft cover


      ü Amsterdam

      ü Banneux

      ü Brussels

      ü Cologne

      ü Maastricht

      ü Paris

      ü Romantic Rhine River journey

      ü Vaals, Dreiländereck

      ü Sylt Island

      ü Baasweiler

      ü Bonn


2009 #356 The Tao of Wisdom. 道 德 經 Chinese-English-German, trilingual(!): 600 pp. ü


      ü Kornelimünster

      ü Roetgen

      ü Eschweiler

      ü Blausteinsee

      ü Rome + Vatican

      ü Vaals

      ü Jülich

      ü Cologne.

 28.12.2009: Family name = Alquiros, with my beloved wife! Both names,

        Hilmar & Alquiros are very rare, the combination of both is unique on the whole internet! :-)

2010 Planning the Philippines: 4 x to, 3 x fro...(!) = 2 vacations + 1 birthday surprise (Lilian's Ma)

        Publications: 3 pen names! Ebert Klaus Alquiros!

      ü Venice

      ü Hoensbroek, Castle

      ü Nideggen, Castle



* 2011 - 2020



2011 #370 Fabel-Schach / 'Fabel 2.0' online

        Vacation tour:

      ü Philippines²

      ü Manila

      ü Tagaytay

      ü Eupen

      ü Düsseldorf


2012 Vacation tour:

      ü Philippines²

      ü Mauban

      ü Venlo

      ü Berlin

      ü Dresden

      ü Potsdam

      ü Prague

      ü London

      ü Cologne

      ü Barcelona

      ü Madrid

       Niece Kerstin 50(!)


2013 Vacation tour:

      ü Valkenburg

      ü Monschau

      ü Keukenhof

      ü Witten

      ü Hamburg

      ü Munich

      ü Salzburg

        Retirement - Still heart-warming contacts to several assistants!

      ü The Big Move! Philippines! (click)

      CoolLucban / Quezon Province. Self-taught(!) English3 (speaking fluently).

      ü Manila ü Liliw ü Tagaytay ü Cagbalete ü Pagbilao...


2014 Lucban History Book! by Prof. Sanz (one of a kind!) rediscovered, extremely rare copies/USA, donations Mayor + Town!

       Dream house at the foot of the Banahaw Volcano...


                           + Garden   

      ... in Lukban Highlands!

                          House blessing


2015 #383 Laozi Daodejing 2.0.


2016 Poetic(!) Dàodéjīng 道 德 經 translations, German and English, new:

        a) with bold-typed corresponding Chinese characters(!),

        b) comparison of the 6 ancient source texts by colors(!).


2017 My passionate gardener! Click!


2018 'Patchwork body, Porsche engine' :-) 4 more survivals 7th-10th = Cancer² surgery & Iatrogenic diseases(!):

        Multi-resistant bacteria + septic shock from ICU!), bradycardia <35 heartbeats/min. for 1 year (from 2 medications!). Prepared...

        Grave No 17 (my favorite number!), Serenia Park , Lucban! But... Pearly Gates: "back to your Destiny!" :-)


2019 #480 The Tao of Dào! Most comprehensive content analysis (Thanks, Karl Jaspers!).

             Dàodéjīng 道 德 經 online completed: >2000 pp. >250,000 readers: Wikipedia, China, top rankings.



2020 'Biblical age'! Pandemic Period...

         Passing the baton: Three large online projects: W, T, F :-) into younger world class hands!

        ff. #500 Nights and Days. Memoirs, anecdotes, reflections. (Started)




* 2021 - 20??



2021 Last Last will!

       Practical & computer projects...

       Donations in addition to my dear wife's Plant sales project = 100%(!) for poor, old, sick fellow human beings!


2022 20 years Hil & Lil 💕

       50 academic years / 50 years fully licensed psychologist.

        #505 Dàodéjīng Übersetzung. + Kommentar

       #506 Dàodéjīng Translation. + Commentary.

       Rare 'Local' activity(!): Excel program for Lilian's work as Lukban Highlands' Auditor... A 'unique' experience...! :-)


2023 My Miracle Year:

        a) Repairs, repainting: House, roof,  walls + fences: My home is my Castle!

        b) Advice + Donations, Healthcare + Humor, Love + Memoirs...!

        c) Writing more Memoirs! Full of Magic Moments

                                Brother Günther 10 80


        d) 5 last books:


         #521 Quantum Future The Foundation of Our Universe and its Fields of Application in Present and Future.*



         #522 Nothingness and Being. Potentialities of Ontological Evolution*



         #527 Death! A Phenomenon with Many Aspects. & Death and Humor & Death and Poetry



         #531 Love! All kinds and forms, the rainbow of love.


2024         #547 HUMOR! - the last on my bucket list(!): Book # 28, ~ 1,000 p. (!)



trilogy "DEATH!", "LOVE!", "HUMOR!"

 In the grand tapestry of existence, only two phenomena stand as forces potent enough to rival the might of Death: Love and Humor!

 This book is a part of a trilogy exploring the profound realms of → Love, → Death, and → Humor, each volume delving into territories that are as complex as they are enriching ventures into an equally complex and enriching territory.

 The 'triumphvirate' :-) of works, at the end of my journey, seeks to encapsulate the essence of human experience, portraying humor as a vital counterbalance to the gravity of love and the finality of death.


        # 548: Bücher-Überblick / Booklist


        #549 & The Youngest Mathematician / Der jüngste Mathematiker


        #550 & Moonshine-Sonnet - English translation


        #551 & Chuckleton's Charme


        #552 & Rizal in Germany


        #553 & „Alone on Jingting Mountain“ 李 白 Lǐ Bái (*701, †762) 



73+59 21 years happy!



Illuminati :-)


   28 books, 20 booklets, 552 publications

 But not everything is translatable... :-)








2025 75





           It's all about... →



There is no word for it to say it

Togetherness comes close -

There are no scales to very weigh it

No paintings fairly to portray it

So great and so grandiose...


There is no phrase for it to trace it

Affinity, it shows -

No life as long as to embrace it

No honoring enough to grace it

How blossoming this rose...


No book might ever comprehend it

As destiny, it flows -

No limitation to transcend it

No space and time to ever end it

As inner light, it glows...


h.a. 2022



While I thought that I was learning how to live, I have been learning how to die.
Leonardo da Vinci


Most beautiful quatrain ever


Komm, o Tod! Doch komm so leise,

daß es nicht bemerkt die Brust,

damit nicht des Sterbens Lust

mich zurück ins Leben weise …


Come Death, so subtly veiled that I

Thy coming know not, how or when,

Lest it should give me life again

To find how sweet it is to die.


Viens, Mort, mais si cachée

ue je ne te sente pas venir,

pour que le plaisir de mourir

ne me rende pas à la vie


Morte vieni sì celata

Ch'io non senta il tuo venir,

Onde il gusto del morir

Non mi torni a vita odiata.




Ven, muerte, tan escondida

que no te sienta venir,

porque el placer del morir

no me torne a dar la vida.


Cervantes, Don Quixote

English by John Ormsby




  © by Dr. Hilmar Alquiros, The Philippines  Impressum Data Protection Statement / Datenschutzerklärung 


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