Nights + Days

Autobiography by Hilmar Alquiros



Part 1:  1949 - 1979

Part 21980 - 2008

Part 3:  2009 - 2013

Part 42014 - 20XY


Back to Start Page!


Prélude: 1949


My Childhood: 1950 - 1959

My Teens: 1960 - 1969


My Twenties: 1970 - 1979

My Thirties: 1980 - 1989


My Forties: 1990 - 1999

My Fifties: 2000 - 2009


My Sixties: 2010 - 2019

My Seventies: 2020 - 20xy





2014 Lucban History Book! by Prof. Sanz (one of a kind!) rediscovered, extremely rare copies/USA, donations Mayor + Town!

       Dream house at the foot of the Banahaw Volcano...


                           + Garden    

      ... in Lukban Highlands!

                          House blessing  →











# 383

03 / 2015

~ 2000 p.(!)

Free on the Internet!





Laozi Daodejing 2.0 (English + German + Chinese)

 Chinese, English, German: analogous, literal, poetical






2016 Poetic(!) Dàodéjīng 道 德 經 translations, German and English, new:

        a) with bold-typed corresponding Chinese characters(!),

        b) comparison of the 6 ancient source texts by colors(!).


2017 My passionate gardener! Click!




2018 'Patchwork body, Porsche engine' :-) 4 more survivals 7th-10th = Cancer² surgery & Iatrogenic diseases(!):

        Multi-resistant bacteria + septic shock from ICU!), bradycardia <35 heartbeats/min. for 1 year (from 2 medications!). Prepared...

        Grave No 17 (my favorite number!), Serenia Park , Lucban! But... Pearly Gates: "back to your Destiny!" :-)




2019 #480 The Tao of Dào! Most comprehensive content analysis (Thanks, Karl Jaspers!).

             Dàodéjīng 道 德 經 online completed: >2000 pp. >250,000 readers: Wikipedia, China, top rankings.







# 480

09 / 2019

~ 400 p.

Free on the Internet!






The Tao of Dào (English + German + Chinese)

 The Unfathomable Revelation of Nothing

Der Weg des Dào.

Die unergründliche Offenbarung des Nichts.





Magic Moments


The night will fall, the day will rise

Delightful in my wing -

How much I like those magic eyes:

I hear them softly sing...


A falling day, a rising night,

A gaze that sings and gleams -

How deep these eyes, their smile so bright:

Enchanting all my dreams...


All night and day in endless dance

In timeless intervening -

Life sparked the rhythm, Love the trance,

Infusing all with meaning...



Lilian Asuncion Alquiros, 2003


Es fällt die Nacht, es steigt der Tag
mit Freude in den Schwingen -
Wie sehr ich diese Augen mag:
ich hör’ sie leise singen ...
Es fällt der Tag, es steigt die Nacht,
ich kann den Blick nun hören -
Wie tief er schaut, wie hell er lacht:
wie kann er mich betören ...
So taumeln Nacht und Tag und Nacht
wie zeitlos sanft dahin -
Das Leben hat die Zeit entfacht,
die Liebe allen Sinn …






My Seventies: 2020 - 20xx




Prélude: 1949


My Childhood: 1950 - 1959

My Teens: 1960 - 1969


My Twenties: 1970 - 1979

My Thirties: 1980 - 1989


My Forties: 1990 - 1999

My Fifties: 2000 - 2009


My Sixties: 2010 - 2019

My Seventies: 2020 - 202x





2020 'Biblical age'! Pandemic Period...

         Passing the baton: Three large online projects: W, T, F :-) into younger world class hands!

        ff. #500 Nights and Days. Autobiography, memoirs, anecdotes, reflections. (Started )








# 500

 2020 ff.

~ p.

Free on the Internet!


Nights and Days...


AUTOBIOGRAPHY 'Nights and Days...' (English) 

The world is a spiritual vessel
and time was invented to make it blossom. ☯️

Ang mundo ay isang espiritwal na sisidlan

at ang oras ay naimbento upang ito'y mamulaklak. ☯️









Blossom Song
Once, exuberance in nights,
Felt wishes, underlying -
Concerned and glad, in yearning's heights,
So full and long were days’ delights,
However, years kept flying...
Once, all sounds of life we met,
Beyond all measure free -
Those gorgeous blossom songs had yet
Rung out, when casually we sat
Together, placidly...



Einst, in der Nächte Überschwang,
da Blicke Wünsche lasen -
ein Sehnen nun, so froh und bang,
mit Tagen, ausgefüllt und lang,
die Jahre aber rasen ...
Einst, als das Leben in uns klang,
frei über alle Maßen -
und doch, der schönste Blütensang
ertönte, wenn wir ohne Drang
still beieinander saßen ...




Mother’s Day


Today: not any Mother's Day -

Unique a day comes now...

Tomorrow, this eleventh May:

Your hundredth birthday - wow!


You died aged fifty-four - I vow:

As if it's yesterday!

As deep your love, as deep my bow -

You gave me Life and Way…



Ein Tag, der wie kein zweiter sei:

Dein Muttertag, und schau -

Geburtstag heute, elfter Mai:

Dein Hundertster schon - wow!


Nur vierundfünfzig?! frage ich,

was Dein Geschick wohl lenkte?

Verbeugend vor der Liebe mich,

die mir das Leben schenkte ...


Hilmar Alquiros, May 10, 2020






2021 Last Last will!

       Practical & computer projects...

       Donations in addition to my dear wife's Plant sales project = 100%(!) for poor, old, sick fellow human beings!


The 'Half a million Limerick'! :-)


My wife Lilian, with marvelous powers,

Loves her hubby and thousands of flowers -

She has lived up to now

What a jubilee, wow:

Really five hundred thousand of hours!!


August 24th, 2021






 You are so near

 But far away -

 Oh, simply here

I wish you'd stay...


Down to the core,

Hit what came true!

So far before,

So close now - you...




 Du bist so nah

 Und doch so fern -

 Ganz einfach da

 Hätt' ich Dich gern...


Bis auf den Kern,

 Traf, was geschah!

 Du warst so fern

 Und bist so nah...





2021 Christmas / Covid 19!


Silent Night


Silent night, Holy night,

Many Covid fears in sight,

Different views of the pandemic -

Some are fair and some polemic...


Silent night, Holy night,

With vaccines and masks to fight,

Year by year and wave by wave -

Finally, to keep us safe...


Silent night, Holy night,

Five to twelve, a future tight,

First to clear your mess in private -

Then for Mother Earth her climate...


Silent night, Holy night,

Give us Christmas peace despite,

World so pretty and aghast -

After all, but Hope dies last!

Stille Nacht


Stille Nacht, Heilige Nacht,

Manche Covid-Furcht entfacht,

Diskutiert wird ganz pandemisch -

Halb noch fair und halb polemisch ...


Stille Nacht, Heilige Nacht,

Impfen! ... und in Maskentracht,

Uns zu schützen auf die Schnelle -

Jahr für Jahr zur nächsten Welle ...


Stille Nacht, Heilige Nacht,

Zukunft, fünf vor zwölf bedacht,

Erst die eig'nen Sorgen, prima -

Dann der Erde schwüles Klima ...


Stille Nacht, Heilige Nacht,

Weihnachtsfrieden? Angebracht,

Schöne Welt, die auch entsetzt -

Doch die Hoffnung stirbt zuletzt!

ha - Christmas Eve, 2021



2022 20 years Hil & Lil

       50 academic years / 50 years fully licensed psychologist.


       Rare 'Local' activity(!): automatically running Excel program for Lilian's work as Lukban Highlands' Auditor...

      A 'unique' experience...! :-) (too perfect high German quality - not understood and not "permitted"(!) by an envious Filipino...)







# 506

02 / 2022

~ 300 p.

Free on the Internet!




Dàodéjīng (English + Chinese)

 Translation + Commentary



 # 505

02 / 2022

~ 400 p.

Free on the Internet!




Dàodéjīng (German + Chinese)

 Übersetzung + Kommentar










Twenty-two years: You and Me -

What a Christmas jubilee!


Half in Germany, half here

Present future, year by year.


Life: existence from its pressing

To the blessings of caressing...


Individual histories -

Meeting both ends' mysteries...


From below to high above

Our journey, full of love


Twenty-two years: You and Me -

What a Christmas jubilee!


Hilmar Alquiros




2023 My Miracle Year:

        a) Repairs, repainting: House, roof,  walls + fences: My home is my Castle!

        b) Advice + Donations, Healthcare + Humor, Love + Memoirs...!

        c) Writing more Memoirs! Full of Magic Moments

                                Brother Günther 10 80+


        d) 5 last books:






# 521

04 / 2023

~ 200 p.

Free on the Internet!






 Foundations and Applications

A - Quantum Theory: Foundation of the Universe

B - Materials Science

C - Telecommunications

D - Artificial Intelligence

E - Science + Computing

F - Medicine

G - Financial Society

H - Sustainable Society

I - Philosophy

Appendix: Selected sources about the Topics + Sources










# 522

04 / 2023

~ 400 p.

Free on the Internet!





 A World with or without a Beginning?

Why is there something rather than nothing?

 Leibniz, German universal genius 1646-1716


„Why is being at all, and not rather nothing? ... As deeply rooted as this question may seem, it only hangs in the foreground of objectively imagined being. It does not know what it is asking; for in order for that to exist which it still knows as the counter-possibility to the reality of the existing, to the existing as the actual, namely the nothing, there must be the being which is the only thing strong enough to have the nothing necessary.“ -  Heidegger










The 'Triumphvirate'

# 527,531,547


~ 1,550 p.(!)


Trilogy A,B,C

Where these 1,550 pages

were written... in 1 year! :-)



 In the grand tapestry of existence, only two phenomena stand as forces potent enough to rival the might of Death: Love and Humor!

  This book is a part of a trilogy exploring the profound realms of → Love, → Death, and → Humor, each volume delving into territories that are as complex as they are enriching ventures into an equally complex and enriching territory.

 The 'Triumphvirate' :-) of works, at the end of my journey, seeks to encapsulate the essence of human experience, portraying humor as a vital counterbalance to the gravity of love and the finality of death.










# 527

08 / 2023

~ 250 p.

Free on the Internet!




Trilogy A


DEATH! (English)

 A Phenomenon with Many Aspects.

 Death confronts the inevitability of our existence's end, a theme both alienating and liberating, a problem and yet a salvation. It navigates the complex interplay between corporeality and consciousness, inviting readers to explore the physiological-medical, psychological-sociological, and philosophical-spiritual dimensions of Death.

 Only limitation motivates our aspirations, life 'towards death' (Heidegger) allows depth of consciousness and appreciation of life... in love.










# 531

  11 / 2023

~ 300 p.

Free on the Internet!


love, romantic, tender, young


Trilogy B


LOVE! (English)

 In every heart, across all cultures, and throughout each epoch of human history, Love has echoed as the most profound of emotions. It binds, elevates, challenges, and occasionally, breaks us, remaining the emotion we eternally chase, cherish, and celebrate.

 This book unravels Love's multifaceted nature, exploring its myriad forms—each uniquely beautiful and complex, and sometimes, enigmatic in its manifestation. We aim to guide readers through Love's mature, positive expressions that nourish the soul and its intricate manifestations that push the boundaries of our hearts and minds.






Marc CHAGALL: "Das-Hohelied-IV" / "The Song of Songs" (Solomon)






There is no word for it to say it

Togetherness comes close -

There are no scales to truly weigh it

No paintings, fairly to portray it

So great and so grandiose...


Kein Wort kann ihren Wert besagen

Kommt Zweisamkeit doch nah -

Kein Wiegen ihr Gewicht befragen

Kein Bildnis sie zu meistern wagen

So groß und wunderbar ...


There is no phrase for it to trace it

Affinity, it shows -

No life as long as to embrace it

No honoring, enough to grace it

How blossoming this rose...


Kein Satz wird je zur Tiefe passen,

Die so verbunden war -

Kein Leben sie umfassen lassen

Kein Ehren ihre Würde fassen

Erblüht sie Jahr für Jahr ...


No book might ever comprehend it

As destiny, it flows -

No limitation to transcend it

No space and time, to ever end it

As inner light, it glows...


Kein Buch mag ihren Sinn ergründen

Fließt ihr Geschick so klar -

Kann alle Grenzen überwinden

Doch nichts lässt ihre Grenze finden

Ihr Licht strahlt immerdar ...


Hilmar Alquiros, 2022




"Silhouette" - Zurrieqs / Malta!



Godchild's Sonnet


Once upon a time, was on my arm

The sweetest little baby as my niece

My godchild, too, to grow in love and peace

So well cared for, unfolding childhood's charm


Soon youthful strength in sports, as well in school

From shy to confident, the kiss of life

From girl to woman, from engaged to wife

As student and as teacher, quite a jewel


A loving mother with two sons to raise

The serious life by many journeys framed

Her sense of Faith and Hope and Love inflamed

The hidden meaning of all life to praise 


The seeds of future, destiny implanting -

Towards life's mystery, so well-enchanting...



Es war einmal ... auf meinem Arm es haltend

So süß ein kleines Baby - meine Nichte

Und Patenkind, von liebem Friedens-Lichte

Umsorgt, der Kindheit Zauber wohl entfaltend


Wo Jugend Kraft in Sport und Schule fand

Der Kuss des Lebens - scheu erst, sicher dann

Ein Mädchen reift zur Ehefrau heran

Als Schülerin und Lehrerin brillant


Zwei Söhnen Mutterliebe zu erweisen

Des Lebens Ernst von Reiselust umrahmt

Wo Glaube, Hoffnung, Liebe nie erlahmt

Des Lebens sanft-umhüllten Sinn zu preisen



 Die Saat der Zukunft pflanzt das Schicksal ein -

Das Lebensrätsel lässt verzaubert sein ...


Hilmar Alquiros, 8.7.2022







        Introduction of AI like ChatGPT, Gemini etc.!


After-Midnight Limerick


An old Homo sapiens said "Hi!

To his favorite chatty AI -

  As a dream team of thought

  About something and naught

With their limit beyond any sky...!


Hilmar Alquiros












# 547

 02 / 2024

~1,000 p.(!)

Standard textbook

of all aspects

...for free on the Internet!



Trilogy C


HUMOR! (English)

 Humor is not merely an anecdote to our existence or a fleeting phenomenon but a fundamental aspect of our resilience and humanity. It acts as a bridge between the depth of love and the inevitability of death,  offering a glimpse into the indomitable spirit of human beings to find joy, our 'Queen Mother of Feelings' in the brightest, and spiritual light in the darkest.

 Through this essay, we celebrate the transformative power of humor to connect, heal, and illuminate the human condition, affirming that in life's Yin and Yang, the human spirit, fortified with love and laughter, remains immortal in dignity.





李 白 Lǐ Bái (*701, 762) 


„独坐敬亭山“ (Dú zuò Jìngtíng Shān)

Alone on Jingting Mountain / Allein auf dem Jìngtíng-Berg

Lǐ Bái + Günter Eich + Hilmar Alquiros


独坐敬亭山 Dú zuò Jìngtíng Shān





Zhòng niǎo gāo fēi jìn,

Gū yún dú qù xián.

Xiāng kàn liǎng bù yàn,

Zhǐ yǒu Jìngtíng Shān.


„Allein auf dem Jingting-Berg“ „Alone on Jingting Mountain“,

Ein Schwarm von Vögeln, hohen Flugs entschwunden.

Verwaiste Wolke, die gemach entwich.

Wir beide haben keinen Überdruss empfunden,

einander anzusehen, der Berg und ich.


Günter Eich

A flock of birds has vanished from my sight,

A solitary cloud drifts slow and slight.

Not any weariness we felt, whereby

beholding us, the mountain there and I.


Hilmar Alquiros





        # 547 Humor!

        # 548 Bücher-Überblick / Booklist

        # 549 The Youngest Mathematician / Der jüngste Mathematiker

        # 550 Moonshine-Sonnet - English translation

        # 551 Chuckleton's Charme

        # 552 Rizal in Germany

        # 553 „Alone on Jingting Mountain“ 李 白 Lǐ Bái (*701, †762) 

        # 554 NDE Near-Death Experiences (NDEs)

        # 555 Poetry - Gedichte, Poems, Lovepoems.

        # 556 Leibniz

        # 557 With ChatGPT on Spirit.

        # 558 Leonardo da Vinci's Wisdom. / Leonardo da Vinci's Weisheit.

        # 559 Romantic Midnight Talk - An Afterplay to Afterplay.

        # 560 Doctor title.

        # 561 More Delphinitions.


   28 books, 20 booklets, 561 publications


Stories EssaysPoetry Dàodéjīng TranslationsFun Think! CHESS!




→ Poems → Chess Compositions → Notes on the Internet → Facebook → Quora → and more...





From pieces made a wondrous whole,

As heart with heart united -

My spirit may, just in your soul

Discover me delighted


My body in the morning kiss

Will mingle with you keen -

From head to toe I love your bliss

And everywhere between...



Ein Ganzes wie aus einem Guss

Lässt Herz mit Herz verbinden -

Mein Geist mag sich im Hochgenuss

In Deiner Seele finden


Mein Leib mag sich beim Morgenkuss

Mit Deinem Leib vermischen -

Ich liebe Dich von Kopf bis Fuß

Und überall dazwischen...










# 500

 2020 ff.

~ p.

Free on the Internet!


Nights and Days...


AUTOBIOGRAPHY 'Nights and Days...' (English) 

The world is a spiritual vessel
and time was invented to make it blossom. ☯️

Ang mundo ay isang espiritwal na sisidlan

at ang oras ay naimbento upang ito'y mamulaklak. ☯️












Fifty years in heaven now,
Beyond all time and space -
So deeply touched by this, allow
My love to all your grace.


You've done so much on my behalf,
My root that made me leaven -
You made me live, you made me laugh;
Let's meet again in heaven...


11.5.1920 - 24.5.1974




Fünfzig Jahre im Himmel droben,
Von Zeit und Raum entrückt -
So tief davon berührt, verwoben
Durch Liebe, die beglückt

Du wusstest viel für mich zu machen,
Du Grund für mein Entstehen -
Du ließt mich leben, ließt mich lachen,
Einst lass uns wiedersehen ...




74+60 22 years happy!


Illuminati :-)





I am happy with my wife

And my friends around me -

I am happy with my life,

Long and lavish, rich and rife,

And the fate that found me.


I was lucky with my mother

And my father too -

Lucky with my elder brother,

With my birthplace, or the other

Where and when and who.


I was also very ill

As a child and later -

Life was like a pepper mill,

Grinding for a better skill,

Grasping for the greater.


I was sometimes disappointed

By disloyal liars -

People, just in phases jointed,

Who with their behavior pointed

Selfish desires.


I was challenged, I was fighting

First for you, then me -

All my parts felt like uniting,

I found writing quite exciting,

So I did, you see.


My existence was divided

Into life and work -

My way, your way coincided,

Hence, my discrepancy guided:

Future in the lurk. 










Meaning of the newborn cry:

What the heck, I'm here - but why?! :-)


  If a blessing or a curse,

If for better or for worse,

Most of all I would deplore:

I was never asked before!


How to know if life is better,

Why I couldn't be pure matter?

And if life, why not a possum

Or a charming little blossom?


Consciousness with all its stress

I would never choose, I guess -

Many are - take that for granted:

Disappointed, disenchanted!


And my body, this foundation,

Had no better situation:

When infected, so inferior

To the tiniest bacteria!


Yes, there's Love and there's excitement,

But with Jealousy’s indictment...

Ups and downs in peace and war -

I was never asked before!


So aware that I exist,

I became a nihilist.

Well, yet in my sweetest dreams,

There is still some hope, it seems...


Dark or bright, all tunnels end:

Wait and see, I recommend -

Destiny of my creation

Be Nirvana… as Salvation?! :-)








Als Neugeborener, wie dumm,

schrie ich: „Bin da, jedoch - warum?!“ :-)


  Ob nun zum Guten oder Schlechten,

ob Segen oder Fluch zu flechten?

Bedauerlich, nun hochbetagt:

„Ich wurde vorher nicht gefragt!“


Wieso zu leben besser wäre,

warum nicht einfach bloß Materie?

Und wenn schon Leben, meine Güte,

warum nicht Biene oder Blüte?


Bewusstsein kann auch Schmerzen zählen -

aus freien Stücken kaum zu wählen.

Gar manche sind, wie mich nun deucht,

vom Existieren arg enttäuscht.


Mein Körper, dieses Fundament,

von allem, was man geistig nennt,

ist, wenn sich Infektionen regen,

den kleinsten Keimen unterlegen!


Die Liebe, die Erregung wagt?

Von Eifersucht dann angeklagt!

Von Frieden oder Krieg geplagt...

Ich, wie gesagt, blieb ungefragt.


Gewahr, was Existenz so ist…

Nun denn, ich wurde Nihilist.

Und doch - wo süße Träume reimen,

da scheint noch Hoffnung aufzukeimen?!


Ob hell, ob dunkel - Tunnel enden.

Ich lasse es dabei bewenden:

Ob meiner Schöpfung letzter Schrei

Nirwana als Erlösung sei…?! :-)










In silent moments when you take a rest

From all ado in daily life's distractions,

Engaged in obligation's useless actions -

Is now the world your home with you its guest


So quiet hum of thoughts begins to rise,

Between the heart’s desire, reason calls,

Elusive first, my veil of scruple falls -

And my insight comes from my inner eyes


Undreamed yet suddenly so bright and clear

Truth, Beauty, Goodness be my guide

In deepest layers lifelong to preside


Free flow of lifetime revelation here!

Unquenchable this light will rest in me:

Life's long prelude to deeper destiny!




* A sonnet with an 'acrostic'(!): LIFE IS BEAUTIFUL...



2024 Christmas


 But not every crossword is translatable... :-)

Frohe Weihnachten = Merry Christmas
Prosit Neujahr = A Happy New Year!


Anyway, here kind of bilingual:








































































© Hilmar Alquiros


2024 Christmas

Waterfall Restaurant, San Pablo City, Philippines




Twenty-two years: You and Me -

What a Christmas jubilee!


Half in Germany, half here

Present future, year by year.


Life: existence from its pressing

To the blessings of caressing...


Individual histories -

Meeting both ends' mysteries...


From below to high above

Our journey, full of love


Twenty-two years: You and Me -

What a Christmas jubilee!




Hilmar's Christmas Quiz






A genius named Alan H. Guth

Found out cosmological truth -

An inflation of questions,

Why no Nobel suggestions...

Needs the work of the world's greatest sleuth!


Hilmar Alquiros




2025 75












BOOKS & Booklets

"A showcase of my written works in book and booklet form, spanning decades of creative work."

Books & Booklets



"A comprehensive list of all my books, articles, essays, and other writings published over the years."




"Selected poems, capturing moments of reflection, love, humor, and the human condition."




Stories EssaysPoetry Dàodéjīng TranslationsFun Think! CHESS!




→ Poems → Chess Compositions → Notes on the Internet → Facebook → Quora → and more...


























While I thought that I was learning how to live, I have been learning how to die.
Leonardo da Vinci



Most beautiful quatrain ever


Komm, o Tod! Doch komm so leise,

daß es nicht bemerkt die Brust,

damit nicht des Sterbens Lust

mich zurück ins Leben weise …


Come Death, so subtly veiled that I

Thy coming know not, how or when,

Lest it should give me life again

To find how sweet it is to die.


Viens, Mort, mais si cachée

ue je ne te sente pas venir,

pour que le plaisir de mourir

ne me rende pas à la vie


Morte vieni sì celata

Ch'io non senta il tuo venir,

Onde il gusto del morir

Non mi torni a vita odiata.




Ven, muerte, tan escondida

que no te sienta venir,

porque el placer del morir

no me torne a dar la vida.


Cervantes, Don Quixote

English by John Ormsby


The meaning of life is a life with meaning!




So gently, I will kiss your hair

And all your fingertips,

Sweet dreams of love I’m seeing there

Below your eyes and lips...


I will adore so tenderly

Your breasts, I do admire,

And cover soft and endlessly

Your garden of desire...


You snuggle deep into my arm,

As moonlight greets the East,

Your breath was warm, this night a charm,

Your love a heaven’s feast...



Behutsam küsse ich Dein Haar

Und Deine Fingerspitzen,

Seh' unter Deinem Liderpaar

Verliebte Träume flitzen


Umschmeichle sanft und inniglich

Die zart geliebten Brüste,

Unendlich sacht bedecke ich

Den Garten Deiner Lüste


Du schmiegst Dich tief in meinen Arm,

Das Mondlicht grüßt fernöstlich -

Die Nacht war lind, Dein Atem warm

Und Deine Liebe köstlich ...





* * *



Nights and Days    Nächte and Tage

Click the pics! 


 A happy young boy ...  




 In my youth, at the tender age of 15, I had three wishes for life’s fairy godmother.

 Despite my success in a special class for mathematics and physics, and completing my school a year early, my heart was set on studying psychology and philosophy. This decision, fueled by early readings of many relevant works, set me on a path to pursue these studies swiftly and effectively, first earning a diploma and then embarking on a second scientific journey for a doctoral degree in psychology.

 My second dream was to become a freelance author, with a particular focus on non-fiction books and articles spanning various topics. Though my classmates often teased me about this ambition, I eventually proved it right.

 The third wish, concerning life and love, was the most profound. In my culture, it's said: “Love is not everything in life, but without love, everything is nothing.” The desire to share life with a true great love was a yearning the fairy godmother of life seemed to understand instantly.


 Life accelerated rapidly from there. At 22, I achieved my first dream, becoming a psychologist (as the youngest at my university). However, life's unpredictable nature soon became apparent. Within just a year and a half, I endured the heartbreaking loss of both beloved parents. An early marriage blessed me with two gifted sons, but the relationship, marred by her infidelity, eventually became more of a nightmare than a dream, ending in divorce. After several mostly good relationships, some evolving into deep friendships or ending due to the challenges of distance, true love finally found me at the age of 52, marking the blissful beginning of Phase 2 with my beloved wife, Lilian, a German Filipina.


 After completing my doctorate in experimental psychological research, I found myself feeling somewhat unfulfilled by the work in research institutes. I yearned for a more direct connection with people, to use psychology in a way that tangibly benefited individuals like you and me.

 This longing has led me down a long road as a practicing psychologist. In this role, I encountered a diverse array of individuals grappling with all kinds of physical or psychological disabilities, to the aftermath of accidents and illnesses, and numerous other challenges. My team and I have dedicated ourselves to providing comprehensive scientific advice and psychological expertise to offer a new, scientifically tailored, government-funded education and thus a new, self-determined life.

 Over four decades, I've had tens of thousands of such encounters. The psychological reports alone filled 60 thick volumes. Each page in these volumes tells a touching story of a life, a journey of renewed hope and empowerment. These experiences have profoundly shaped my understanding of resilience and the human spirit.


 I found solace and joy in writing. Over time, I wrote more than 25 books and many other publications - my brainchildren, each a testament to my second dream fulfilled. In my youth, I was a regional chess champion, but I soon transitioned from the smoke-filled tournament halls to the sanctified realms of writing and teaching, also about chess: ten books and more.

 My writings often reflected the ethics of Jesus and increasingly, the unique wisdom of Lao Tzu. I found the concepts of naturalness and harmony in Daoist philosophy to be sophisticatedly simple yet breathtakingly beautiful, and deeply convincing as a role model, particularly in the context of today's global challenges. This philosophy, with its profound yet accessible wisdom, resonated with me and became a guiding principle in both my personal and professional life.

 After years of in-depth research, I have published several first-rate books and articles on Laozi's unique and poetic work, Daodejing - a work known as the most translated book of all time, next to the Bible. Each page of these volumes reflects not just a long list of case studies, but human lives that have touched me with their journeys of renewed hope and empowerment. My translations, analyses, and commentaries were an attempt to bring the timeless wisdom of Daoist philosophy to a contemporary audience, offering insights and perspectives that I found crucial in navigating the complexities of modern life. Other books followed on nothingness, the quantum world, death, love and humor.


 I am eternally grateful for this rich and fulfilling life, especially for the love of my life. The metaphorical, elongated garden of my childhood home was but a prelude to the intricate, beautiful garden of the human condition.


Farewell, my dear readers for more than half a century:

Live long and prosper... in Wisdom and Love.





 Memoirs are written accounts of an individual's personal experiences, thoughts, and feelings. They typically focus on a specific period of time or a particular aspect of the author's life and are often written in a first-person narrative style. Memoirs can be based on the author's own recollections, as well as on letters, diaries, and other personal documents. They are a form of creative nonfiction that aims to provide a deeper understanding of the author's life and experiences, as well as insights into broader social and cultural issues. Memoirs can take many different forms, from traditional chronological accounts to more experimental and creative approaches.


  1. Autobiography

  2. Chronological

  3. Thematic

  4. Anecdotal

  5. Epistolary

  6. Fragmented

  7. Conversational

  8. Graphic

  9. Dual Narratives

  10. Coming-of-Age

  11. Travel or Adventure

  12. Essayistic

  13. Creative Nonfiction

  14. Personal Essay

  15. Diaries and Journals

  16. Travelogue

  17. Spiritual Memoir

  18. Bildungsroman

  19. Memoirs in Verse

  20. Oral History

  21. Hybrid Memoir


 Autobiography: A comprehensive, chronological account of the author's entire life, with a focus on personal experiences and significant events.

 Chronological: This approach follows your life in a linear, chronological order, starting with your early years and progressing to the present. It is a straightforward way to structure your memoirs and allows for easy comprehension by readers. It provides a clear and easily understandable narrative.

 Thematic: A thematic autobiography focuses on specific themes or aspects of your life, highlighting key aspects of your life even if that means jumping around in time. It allows you to explore certain ideas, events, or experiences in depth and connect them through a central theme. This approach can provide a more focused and engaging narrative.

 Anecdotal: An anecdotal autobiography consists of a collection of short stories or vignettes that stand alone but also collectively paint a broader picture of your life. These stories can be arranged chronologically, thematically, or randomly depending on the desired effect.

 Epistolary: An epistolary autobiography consists of letters, emails, diary entries, or other personal documents. By presenting your story through correspondence or personal records, you can give readers an intimate insight into your thoughts and experiences.

 Fragmented: A fragmented autobiography tells your story through a series of unrelated, non-linear episodes or snapshots. This form allows you to explore different stages of life and experiences, creating a mosaic of memories for readers.

 Conversational: A conversational autobiography mimics the feeling of having a conversation with the reader. You can tell your story through casual, informal language and share insights, reflections, and personal anecdotes as if speaking to a friend.

 Graphic: A graphic autobiography is a combination of prose and visual art, often in the form of a comic book or graphic novel. This form allows you to use both words and images to convey your experiences and emotions, adding an additional layer of creativity and expression.

 Dual Narratives: Combine your autobiography with another narrative, such as a biography of someone else or a historical account. This approach can add depth and context to your story by showing how it intersects with larger events or experiences.

 Coming-of-Age Autobiography: Focus on your formative years, from childhood through adolescence and into early adulthood, and examine how these experiences shaped your identity. This approach can be more focused and relatable as many readers will have experienced similar transitions.

 Travel or Adventure Autobiography: Write about your travels or adventures and how they influenced your life, offering a unique blend of personal growth and cultural discovery.

 Essayistic Autobiography: Write a series of personal essays that examine various aspects of your life, experiences, and identity. These essays can be thematically, chronologically, or otherwise meaningfully linked.

 Creative Nonfiction: Mix facts with fiction by using elements of storytelling to create a more engaging narrative. This approach allows for more creativity and experimentation, but it is important to stay truthful to the core of your experiences.

 Personal Essay: A shorter, focused text that deals with a specific experience, theme, or idea from the author's life.

 Diaries and Journals: Personal, daily records of experiences and thoughts, often written informally and for private use.

 Travelogue: A narrative that focuses on the author's travels, often including personal reflections, descriptions of places, and cultural observations.

 Spiritual Memoir: A narrative that focuses on the author's spiritual journey, exploring their beliefs, religious experiences, and personal growth.

 Bildungsroman: A coming-of-age story that follows the emotional, psychological, and moral development of the protagonist from childhood to adulthood.

 Memoirs in Verse: This form of memoir uses poetry to tell the author's life story, allowing emotions and experiences to be conveyed in a concise and vivid way.

 Oral History: A collection of recorded interviews, conversations, or stories told by the author or other individuals about their experiences.

 Hybrid Memoir: A combination of different forms and styles, such as poetry, photos, or other multimedia elements alongside prose.


 Overall, there are many different forms that a memoir can take, each with its own advantages and potential for creative expression. From traditional chronological accounts to more experimental and creative approaches, there is no one "right" way to write a memoir. Ultimately, the best approach will depend on the author's goals, style, and personal experiences, as well as the intended audience for the memoir.



Part 1:  1949 - 1979


Part 2:  1980 - 2008


Part 3:  2009 - 2013


Part 4:  2014 - 20??


Back to Start Page!



Curriculum Vitae


With zero years, cry number one:

Hey, I am here, my birth is done!


At 10 you start to see in truth

The time that is then called your youth.


At 20, grown in weight and height

In love, you see the park at night...


At 30, restless, energetic

Your way is proud, but less poetic.


At 40, you begin to doubt

The image of yourself - throughout.


At 50, you remove the valance

Of joy to start your lifelong balance


At 60, all your proving ended

Retire! Travels recommended.


At 70, feel glad and rise

And start to feel a little wise.


At 80, you feel here and now

How biblical your age is, wow!


At 90, God!, you also face

Inside your bones a touch of grace.


At 100, by your world retrieval

You are beyond all good and evil.


110(!), you ask and see:

Grim Reaper has forgotten me?!




As life can be, death always must

Let’s end these rhymes and turn to dust!



Null Jahre und ein erster Schrei:

Hurra, ich bin jetzt auch dabei!


Mit 10 sieht man am Firmament

Die Zeit, die man dann Jugend nennt.


Mit 20 ist man groß und stark -

Und nachts auch mal verliebt im Park...


Mit 30 stapft man rastlos-rege

Und stolzgeschwellt die eignen Wege.


Mit 40 fängt man dann und wann

Am Selbstbild leicht zu kratzen an.


Mit 50, statt zu jubilieren,

Beginnt man schon zu bilanzieren.


Mit 60 muss man nichts beweisen:

Man geht in Rente und auf Reisen.


Mit 70 fühlt man froh und leise

Ein kleines bisschen sich schon weise.


Mit 80 spürt man unaufschieblich:

Das Alter wird allmählich biblisch!


Mit 90, Gott!, schleicht obendrein

Ein Hauch von Gnade durchs Gebein.


Mit 100, fern dem Weltgetöse,

Ist jenseits man von gut und böse.


Mit 110 fragt man indessen:

Hat mich der Sensenmann vergessen?!




Das Leben kann, der Tod, der muss sein...

Drum muss mit Reimen nun auch Schluss sein!


Hilmar Alquiros





  © by Dr. Hilmar Alquiros, The Philippines  Impressum Data Protection Statement / Datenschutzerklärung 










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