Nights + Days

Autobiography by Hilmar Alquiros



Part 1:  1949 - 1979

Part 21980 - 2008

Part 3:  2009 - 2013

Part 42014 - 20XY


Back to Start Page!



Prélude: 1949


My Childhood: 1950 - 1959

My Teens: 1960 - 1969


My Twenties: 1970 - 1979

My Thirties: 1980 - 1989


My Forties: 1990 - 1999

My Fifties: 2000 - 2009


My Sixties: 2010 - 2019

My Seventies: 2020 - 20xy




= link!     = book   & = booklet   & Essay  ü vacation 



TInternalize More Experience! (T.I.M.E.) 

 Special days like Christmas, Easter, birthdays, and death anniversaries bring into sharp focus the enigmatic nature of time itself. As I delve into the task of jotting down my memoirs, I've come to perceive life as a kind of imperfect album.

 This album, marked by the passage of time, is characterized by a blend of distortion and clarity. The act of remembering is often flawed – memories can be forgotten, confused, or even conflated. Yet, it's not solely a process of loss or distortion. There's also a deep beauty in how we preserve, deepen, and venerate our experiences. Certain moments, once ordinary, become imbued with profound significance as they are revisited and reflected upon over the years.  This duality of memory – its ability to both obscure and illuminate our past – fascinates me.

 The understanding that our recollections are not mere recordings but dynamic, living beings, evolving with each revisitation, brings a certain humility and wonder to the act of reminiscing.  It reminds us that our experiences, though imperfectly remembered, are rich patchwork tapestries woven from the threads of both fact and feeling.




Prélude: 1949



May 23: Foundation of the Federal Republic of Germany -

 Promulgation of the Basic Law at a formal meeting of the Parliamentary  Council.


August ~15-21: conceived on a warm romantic night :-)

 For a birth on April 11, with the baby born 4 weeks early, the most probable fathering day is around August 15–21 of the previous year.





My Childhood 1950 - 1959




Prélude: 1949


My Childhood: 1950 - 1959

My Teens: 1960 - 1969


My Twenties: 1970 - 1979

My Thirties: 1980 - 1989


My Forties: 1990 - 1999

My Fifties: 2000 - 2009


My Sixties: 2010 - 2019

My Seventies: 2020 - 202x






 My name: chosen by my brother, then almost 9, out of a book with many thousand names! 

"Hilmar" (old germanic): 'Hil' (from: hiltju, hiltja) = Kampf [fight], 'mar' = berühmt [famous] :-)

 (Hilmar = male, Hilma = femal)


 BORN April 11: 12:00 (Exactly - like Goethe(!) :-)

 As my mother had told me - but just to be sure - I checked with the authorities and they confirmed 12:00 on my birth certificate:



  Premature birth: 6 weeks fight for survival... Alternating night watches by both parents to monitor my breathing...

Frieda Ebert (1920-1974)  Alois Ebert (1906-1972)


      Click + animate!











 Marie Elisabeth



 “Curiosity at Birth”

My lifelong curiosity first manifested itself at birth, arriving prematurely, inspired by Easter day, four weeks ahead of schedule. The date had been meticulously planned to coincide with my mother's 30th birthday - exactly at noon 12:00 (like Goethe! :-) ) a testament to German precision, perhaps!

 Emerging into the world, I journeyed towards the light at the end of the tunnel known as the birth canal. Weighing just three pounds, I was a tiny fighter, confronting early life-threatening challenges from the outset. Yet, it seemed as though a benevolent creator had bestowed upon me certain gifts as compensation for these early trials, gifts that would soon reveal themselves in my resilience and determination.

 Tuesday, after Easter Monday! In four weeks, precisely on May 11, 1950, my mother's 30th birthday, I was expected to be born. But life, as always, had its own plans – I arrived as an 8-months early surprise, after my mother overexerted herself hanging laundry!

 Life’s first lesson came not in words, but in my mother’s actions. Overexerting herself while hanging laundry, she inadvertently kickstarted my early arrival—a testament to her unyielding dedication even before I fully entered her world.


         They say I am now baptized! I have no idea what that means - I am sure I will find out later. Forgive me for referring to my first year, I have to trust what I know from hearsay...


 "Spider-Man Thin and Resilient"

 I was born prematurely, weighing less than 1.5 kg ("with diapers," as my mother joked). My fragile frame required daily visits from a special nurse, as even my mother was not allowed to bathe me.

 Yet, through her endless care—and perhaps gallons of breast milk—I soon transformed into a lively toddler.

  Marveling at how early I began walking and talking... A portable walkie-talkie! :-)


 Though I was frail, these early challenges felt like nature’s way of priming me for a life that would demand perseverance and adaptability—gifts I would carry, unknowingly, from day one.


 The day of one's birth is often seen as just a date, but in reality, it's intertwined with the tapestry of world events, painting the real satire of life. On this very day, April 11th 1950, as Hungary transitioned into a republic and my mother was to celebrate her 30th birthday four weeks later, fate seemed to wink at my origins with a hidden smile.

 The world around us was in motion: In Yugoslavia, the government embarked on a journey of debureaucratization and decentralization, dissolving several ministries in favor of councils. Over in Jordan, the populace cast their votes in parliamentary elections, a process that also ratified the annexation of eastern Palestine.

 And far across the seas, the United States was making its mark on Europe through the NATO alliance, with the delivery of weapons aboard the transport ship Exilona in Naples.


 These global shifts remind us that while personal milestones like a birth may feel singular, they are threads in the larger tapestry of history—woven together, often without our notice, until we reflect later.


Bad UFOs: Skepticism, UFOs, and The Universe:

  But perhaps the most intriguing event, coming exactly a month after my birth, was the sighting in McMinnville, Oregon. On my calculated birthday May 11th, 1950, a farming couple, Mr. and Mrs. Trent, captured some of the earliest and most captivating photos of a UFO. Mrs. Trent first noticed the silent object as it approached their farm in the evening sky. In a rush of excitement, she fetched her husband and a camera. Their quick action led to two extraordinary photographs of the UFO, which appeared as a metallic, flattened saucer with a prominent dorsal bulge.

 These images have stirred curiosity and skepticism alike for decades. Despite thorough computer analysis and image enhancement, which suggested the UFO's width was over 70 feet, no one could prove them to be forgeries. This ruled out the typical 'hubcap hoaxes.' Moreover, the Trends gained no financial benefit from these photos, negating the motive for deceit. However, some discrepancies, such as the time of day the photos were allegedly taken, continue to add layers of mystery to their story.

 As I reflect on these events, I can't help but wonder about the cosmic dance of fate and coincidence. Was the alignment of my birth with these significant global events mere chance, or something more?

 Am I, in a whimsical sense, an extraterrestrial myself? :-)





























source:  :-)



 Perhaps, like that metallic saucer, I too was destined to spark curiosity and questions. Just as the Trents' camera captured a fleeting moment of mystery in the skies, my reflections seek to capture the fleeting yet profound moments that define a life.

 Decades later, these images remain iconic, featured in countless documentaries and debates, embodying humanity’s eternal fascination with what lies beyond our understanding.

 Am I, in a whimsical sense, an extraterrestrial myself? :-)

 Perhaps my journey through life, like that saucer in the sky, is meant to hover briefly, leaving behind questions, wonder, and just a hint of the extraordinary.




1951 Forgive me for referring to my first year, I have to trust what I know from hearsay...


House in Luisenthal/Völklingen, sketch by my brother:



1952 Oldest memories: many in the first parents' house in Luisenthal/Völklingen before moving to grandfather's house(!):

           1) oldest at the kitchen table, with mother nearby, tiny toys in a black and gold Chinese(!) tea tin...

           2) many more details in this house

           3) clear(!) memory of the eve of grandfather's death †29.11.1952




1953 New house, observing my father repairing and changing elements of the house.

       + beautiful, elongated garden with various fruit trees, sandbox, fish tank, at the beginning also chickens.




1954 Early learning: from strong Saar Dialect to High German in Grimm brothers' original Fairy Tales!




1955 Test to early enrollment! But physically too fragile - after surgery with sepsis(!)




1956 Elementary school. Our teacher sometimes played the violin! ♫

        Brother Günther, 9 years older: Boogie! Rock 'n Roll! Belafonte's Calypso!




1957 Games, games! Merels / Nine Men Morris, Playing cards, Draughts, Chinese checkers...








1959 'First Love': Rösli

         ü Austria³

          ü Switzerland

          ü Liechtenstein...






My Teens: 1960 - 1969




Prélude: 1949


My Childhood: 1950 - 1959

My Teens: 1960 - 1969


My Twenties: 1970 - 1979

My Thirties: 1980 - 1989


My Forties: 1990 - 1999

My Fifties: 2000 - 2009


My Sixties: 2010 - 2019

My Seventies: 2020 - 202x





1960 - 68: Einstein-School Völklingen/Saarland (9 grades, 8 y.). French, Latin. Chess with father + brother + friends.

       Meningitis, headaches for 4 years: reading painful. But the blessings of Classic music!¯ Mozart, Beethoven, Bach! ¯




1961 Chess in school





1962 ff. family research... Paternal and maternal line back to 1600(!).

       Oldest grave (historically protected cemetery):

                     1715 „No 257“ = Margareta Ebertz nèe. ? * ~1660 - †16.9.1715 Alken / River Mosel, Germany.

                                                                                                   Graves next to chapel on the hill, listed, 2009 still preserved!




1963 Chess books

          1963 - 1968: Money from teaching maths (girls!)




1964 Chess club!


'Anti-gravity experiment'. :-)


       College level: special Mathematics / Physics branch,

        Calculus! + complex numbers!teaching math for (a lot of) pocket money!


         Local chess champion



1965    Track & Fields! 100 m =12.5 s...



        Reading: Einstein & Cosmology, Freud + General Psychology, Philosophy.  Final decision for…

         Psychology (Science + counseling) + Philosophy (General + Daoism)



When I was 15, I confidently declared to my classmates—in the chest tone of conviction, already post-voice break—that I would one day write various nonfiction books. This proclamation, unsurprisingly, was met with uproarious laughter.

The thought of diving deeply into a fascinating subject, mastering its intricacies, and elegantly sharing that knowledge with others seemed far more appealing to me than contributing yet another title to the endless sea of novels. And so it came to pass: several nonfiction books were published, while not a single novel emerged from my imagination.

But even as a child, I had already begun writing poetry. Life, to me, seemed suffused with poetry, its essence waiting to be distilled. May condensed thoughts reveal themselves in the mirror of reality!

As a prosaic compromise, I allowed a handful of short stories and micro-stories to emerge from my pen—each focusing on a singular moment or situation, with the intensity of poetic condensation but the lightness of prose free from meter or rhyme.

Take, for example, the character of → Jenny, who grew almost sculptural in form as I wrote her into existence.


The Chess Game and Problem Chess

One such story, → The Chess Game, stemmed from a real-life encounter in a world I came to know deeply. As a teenager, I fell in love with chess—it seemed to come to me effortlessly. Club tournaments, simultaneous exhibitions, blindfold games, regional championships (especially in blitz chess)—I embraced them all, only to leave them behind soon after due to the pervasive smoking of the time, which I found intolerable.

Problem chess, however, ignited an even greater creativity within me. It became a passion that spanned more than 20 years, bringing with it extraordinary international connections, awards, and numerous books and articles of my own. Along the way, I crossed paths with several world champions, from Botvinnik to Kasparov, and many other legendary Grandmasters and experts.


Encountering the Dàodéjing

At the age of 20, during my studies in psychology and philosophy, I encountered Laozi's Daodejing—the most translated book in history after the Bible. It hit me like a brick wall (or perhaps the Great Wall of China!).

Within just a few pages, I realized that this was no ordinary book. It was unlike anything I had ever read, and I knew instinctively that it would accompany me for the rest of my life. This was a text that demanded to be read slowly, deliberately. I inhaled its lines as though they were old friends, truths already imprinted deep within the soul of every living being.

The Daodejing’s 1,000 lines, essentially written in poetic form, offered a condensed vision of the whole—a glimpse into the essence behind all things. Far from being enigmatic or dark, as some have claimed, it resonated with the profound truth of the universe, perceptible to those who live in harmony with its rhythms.

Over the years, I explored hundreds of translations—in German, English, and French—accompanied by analyses and commentaries, especially those by luminaries like the incomparable pioneer, Victor von Strauß, the translator of many Chinese classics, Richard Wilhelm, and the perfect analytical mind of Karl Jaspers, whose commentary on the Daodejing remains unmatched.


Translating and Expanding

It wasn’t until “Part Two” of my life that I began creating my own translations and analyses of the Daodejing. By then, I had gained the life experience I believed necessary to approach such a monumental task.

During my new marriage to Lilian, I completed two traditional books on paper, exploring the Daodejing. These were later followed by a much larger and more ambitious project on the Internet. The multidimensional nature of the online medium—with its ability to link ideas and offer branching paths—proved far more suited to this work than the constraints of paper (and it spared the trees!).


Writing as Compass and Heart

Through all my scientific, psychological, and practical endeavors, writing remained my compass and foundation. At its heart lay poetry, the enduring passion that my 15-year-old self had so clearly recognized as his destiny.



1966/7 Grade 11+12 in 1 year!








1967/8 Grade 13 (in Germany 13 or 12 = EU)


Many hobbies! Music, movies, literature, philosophy, psychology, cosmology...


1968 Saarland University: Psychology + Philosophy + ...

        Self-taught English1: reading.




1969 Higher statistics, Variance + Factor analysis.

       ü Feldberg/Black Forest. Christa


         First publication! :-)




        Sister in spirit Edna! 1983!



        Gertraud ...




My Twenties: 1970 - 1979




Prélude: 1949


My Childhood: 1950 - 1959

My Teens: 1960 - 1969


My Twenties: 1970 - 1979

My Thirties: 1980 - 1989


My Forties: 1990 - 1999

My Fifties: 2000 - 2009


My Sixties: 2010 - 2019

My Seventies: 2020 - 202x




 The 1970s seem to be the decade when you truly grew up—not just in age, but in understanding and responsibility.

Balancing education, work, love, and grief must have tested your resilience and shaped the person you are today.


1970 Bachelor level exams (20!).


         # 002: Methodenkritisches Experiment zum Semantischen Differential.


 My first own mini-apartment... my father's car... a new serious relationship... first Bachelor exams...




Der Mensch, der sicher auch schon dachte,

bevor er sich Gedanken machte,

ließ sich vom Denken nur beschenken

und dachte, ohne nachzudenken


Doch ließen der Gedanken Mächte,

ihn überlegen, wie er dächte,

so trieben ihn des Denkens Grillen

zum Denken um des Denkens willen


Bald denkt er viel und grübelt lang,

und mitten im Gedankengang

dünkt ihn, daß er sich übernehme -

wozu denn solche Denkprobleme?!


Drum denkt er nunmehr mit Bedacht

Gedanken, die ihm zugedacht -

so lebt und stirbt er zweckgerichtet:

das Denken hat sich selbst vernichtet ...



Hilmar Alquiros, 1970(!!)



1971 (!) 1st Marriage...


An Uncommon Start to Life

 By my early twenties, I was already married, studying, and balancing the kind of responsibilities most people don’t face until their thirties. My approach to studies was anything but ordinary—I saw education as a pathway to deeper understanding, not just a career. I remember how Daoism began to shape my perspective, helping me see life as a flow, even amidst the intense pace I was keeping.





1972 Master level exams (22!)



       Artist and friend: Otto Lackenmacher, Saarbrücken/Berlin.

       My favorite of Otto's works: atypical but timeless art.


       Study the profound wisdom of Dàodéjīng 道 德 經 by Lǎozĭ  老子.


“The Teachings of Laozi and Life’s Flow”

In the middle of my studies and marriage, I stumbled across the Dao De Jing, which spoke to me in a way nothing else ever had. Laozi’s words weren’t just philosophy; they were practical wisdom for living. "The world is a spiritual vessel" resonated deeply as I faced both professional growth and personal loss. Daoism gave me a sense of balance when life felt overwhelming.



      Father V  


“Love and Loss”

The early years of my marriage were a time of discovery and shared dreams. But those years were also marked by profound loss. Losing both of my parents within a short span brought my understanding of impermanence into sharp focus. While grief weighed heavily, it also deepened my appreciation for the present moment and the love that surrounded me.


     * Niece and Godchild Kerstin




1973 & Untersuchungen zur Zahlenfolgeninduktion.

        Psychologist at 22(!) beautiful Münster!




1974 Mother , specialized education: Vocational Psychology for all kinds of challenged fellow human beings... 1982!

        & Einige Lerneffekte bei Aufgaben zur Zahlenfolgeninduktion. ( & Prof. Dr. Werner Tack!)

Doctorate postponed - after both parents passed away: profession, breadwinning, family life, friends, chess championships...! :-) in Experimental Psychology,  Dr. phil.* 1982




1975 Scientific and other publications.

       ü Texel/Netherlands.




1976 Planning kids!




On Monday starts the week, I bet:

All work and worries' warning -

On Tuesday evening I set

My clock for Wednesday morning


And Thursday creeps along, and hence

A paradox: so still -

Then Friday undermines the sense

Of Goddess Freyja - till...


All Saturday must compensate!

All Sunday is for rest -

Horrific, how you see too late

Eternal Monday's quest...! :-)

 Wochen ...


Am Montag fängt die Woche an:

die Arbeit und die Sorgen -

am Dienstag abend stell' ich dann

die Uhr für Mittwoch morgen


der Donnerstag, er schleicht dahin,

ganz paradox und leise -

der Freitag untergräbt den Sinn

des Worts in gleicher Weise


der Samstag kompensiert en gros!

der Sonntag gilt als Schontag -

entsetzt spürst du dann irgendwo

das Ewige am Montag ...! :-)


Hilmar Alquiros





* 7.7.77 (!) Benjamin *Münster!   → 1979


        Problem solving championship in German + Austrian (IQ-) MENSA (win).

        & Publications on chess.

          ff. Experimental research for doctorate: Pioneer of Trimodal factor analysis(!).

        Prof. Peter R. Orlik + Prof. Werner H. Tack.





        03/10 Scientific encounter (Prof. Claus, Informatik, Univ. Dortmund) with

           Encounter with legendary Ex-World Chess champion Botvinnik(!),  

        + World Correspondence Chess champion Estrin.

Talks about problem chess and studies and earliest computer chess(!).





04 27 Dr. Hans-Hilmar Staudte








# 014

09 / 1978

224 p.

paper book



Das Patt im Wenigsteiner (German)

Sämtliche orthodoxe und heterodoxe Pattforderungsarten: Direktes Patt, Selbstpatt, Hilfspatt, Serienzüger, Märchenfiguren, Experimentelle Bedingungen, Pattrekorde

feenschach-Sonderdruck (Dokumentation des Wenigsteiners in vier Bänden) Band III.

Wegberg: Peter Kniest, ca. 1600 Diagramme, 6 Register





ü Mittenwald prelude:

   Aug. Visiting + Isarlust chess club!

   Okt.  Move into a beautiful new house.

   Nov. Edna + Sarah first visitors!




1979 Consulting: companies + authorities...

          In 1979, I began consulting for companies and authorities, leveraging my expertise in psychology and research.


         Foundation of my International Chess Prize 'Wenigsteiner-Jahrespreis'!

          Later in the same year, I established my International Chess Prize, the → Wenigsteiner-Jahrespreis,

         unveiled at the Schwalbe Meeting on Sunday, October 21, 1979, in ü Sulzbach-Rosenberg.

          Its mission was clear: To qualitatively promote miniature chess art! (“Zur qualitativen Förderung der Kleinkunst im Schach!”).




Mittenwald 1979-1980:

 Doctoral studies, experimental research work, advanced statistics, tri-modal factor analysis... (Ph.D. milestone achieved).

Highest(!) German village:  → Breath-taking Mittenwald!

 I had the privilege of living for two enchanting years in → Mittenwald, the highest(!) village in Germany. Nestled amidst breathtaking natural beauty, this picturesque town provided a setting of breathtaking beauty.

 While the plan was to finalize my doctoral research and thesis in record time, the irresistible distractions of this dreamlike region—and a stream of dear visitors(!)—added an unexpected half-year to my timeline. But what a place to "lose" time...!


“Mittenwald, a living picture book”* – Goethe, 1786

 Mittenwald’s charm captivated not only me but also great minds before me.

 Goethe himself spent the night of September 7, 1786, at the Obermarkt 2 during his Italian journey, coming from Walchensee.

*Ein lebendiges Bilderbuch.

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe 1786 (!)

The Unforgettable Scenery

 The snow-capped mountains towering above the town, glowing in the golden light of dawn or dusk, made Mittenwald feel like a world apart.

 These unforgettable views, combined with the historic charm of the Obermarkt, remain etched in my memory as part of one of the most beautiful chapters of my life.

 Picture: Obermarkt 2, in the center of Mittenwald. [Reddit]




* Daniel born in Mittenwald!  




My Thirties: 1980 - 1989




Prélude: 1949


My Childhood: 1950 - 1959

My Teens: 1960 - 1969


My Twenties: 1970 - 1979

My Thirties: 1980 - 1989


My Forties: 1990 - 1999

My Fifties: 2000 - 2009


My Sixties: 2010 - 2019

My Seventies: 2020 - 202x




Part 1:  1949 - 1979


Part 2:  1980 - 2008


Part 3:  2009 - 2013


Part 4:  2014 - 20??


Back to Start Page!



  © by Dr. Hilmar Alquiros, The Philippines  Impressum Data Protection Statement / Datenschutzerklärung 




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